
Each month, the European Digital Education Hub choses a theme and organises different activities around it for its registered members, including discussion forums and dedicated working groups. Find out what is planned for May 2023 around artificial intelligence.

Please note that links to Hub channels on this page are only available for Hub members.

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Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has recently been dominating the public discussion, especially since tools such as ChatGPT have been made available for the general audience. For the month of May, the hub community will explore the latest developments in AI and its impact on digital education.

Knowledge building activity

This webinar will take place on 25 May at 14:00-15:00 CET and will provide insights into projects that have automated some aspects of digital assessment. Speakers will also discuss potential disruptors including AI language-generation models such as ChatGPT.

Find the agenda and more information on the speakers in the ”Knowledge Building channel.

Clinics and mentorships

Clinics and mentorships provide tailor-made support for your digital education challenges. Clinics are short sessions in which experts from the field share insights and best practices. Mentorships go a step further and provide you with three two-hour sessions to dive deeper into your challenge of choice to develop solutions together.

If your school, organisation or institution has a challenge linked to AI, you can still register until 31 May 2023 to the free clinics and/or the mentorship programme in the Mentoring and Online Clinics channel.

Accelerator programme

Until 15 May 2023, you can apply for the Hub’s Accelerator Programme. The programme invites education prototypes from all education sectors and different European countries to scale and implement their solutions. The chosen prototypes will benefit from the intensive training and mentoring, testing in the field and showcasing their results to a wider audience. Artificial Intelligence is one of the themes for the 2023 cohort.

Reading corner

The Hub’s Reading Corner provides curated information about the latest research in digital education, best practices collected from the community, and research papers on cutting edge issues in digital education.

Later this May, we will publish the “Digital Byte” on Artificial Intelligence. Digital Bytes are the Hub’s short and easy-to-digest booklets that give an overview of state of art of the monthly Hub theme. Read last month’s digital byte on gender divide.

Find out more in the Hub’s Reading Corner.

Discussion forum on AI in education

The Hub is the go-to place for exchange and collaboration between all stakeholders in digital education and interested persons in Europe. Join the discussion on AI in education in the Hub’s discussion forum and exchange with other practitioners, researchers and policy makers from all sectors of education and training in an inclusive and supportive environment.

Squad on artificial intelligence

Squads are the working groups of the European Digital Education Hub. Over the course of the next months, our AI squad will produce several briefing reports on different sub-themes of AI in education. The latest report is on teachers' competences. Check it out in the “Sharing is Caring” channel!

Teachers as researchers event

On 25 May, the Hub invites all educators to an exclusive discovery workshop to tackle challenges on AI in education.

The workshop uses the “teachers as researchers” methodology. Participants are invited to bring forward their challenges they are currently facing on AI in their educational context. The workshop facilitators will then guide them towards finding concrete actions they can implement to solve their challenge.

Join us on 25 May in the Hub’s “Teachers as Researchers” channel!

Register to the Hub

All the activities above are only available to Hub members. If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s easy and completely for free! Hub membership will be granted within 5 working days.