Our commitment to data privacy

We would like to give you information on how we hadle data your are providing us with and what data is collected when visiting our website.

Data you are providing us

We, the European Educational Research Association (EERA e.V.) would like to inform you in which way we process and handle personal data. This information is given following Art 13 GDPR.

1. Who is responsible for handling your data?

EERA eV, Feurigstraße 22, 10287 Berlin; email: [email protected]; phone: +49 (0)30 857 36620

2. Reasons for storing and processing your data

We process and store your data for the preparation of EERA events (conferences, summer schools, seminars, EERA council and EERA network meetings), for announcing your events and vacancies and for sharing network related information via mailing lists to which you have enrolled.

3. How do we use your data

We will use the information you share with us for carrying out our obligations arising from any contracts between you and us and to provide you with the information, products and services that you request from us; to provide you with information about other events, products and services we offer that are similar to those that you have already purchased or enquired about; to provide you with information about goods or services we feel may interest you.

4. Who has access to your data?

We do not sell your data to third parties, but we are working with sub-contractors to e.g. prepare conferences and summer schools (conference management system) with whom we hold agreements that ensure your data is safe.  

5. Where is your data stored?

With the exception of the network mailing lists all data is stored within the European Economic Area. (EEA)

By submitting your personal data to network mailing lists, you agree to transferring, storing or processing in the US.  We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy. Our partners (electric embers) do uphold a strict privacy policy.

The Conference Calls and selected conference information are sent via Mailchimp, which is working under the US Privacy Shield.

6. For how long is your data stored?

We keep your data related to contracts as long as we need it for legal and/or taxation purposes. As a research association we also keep an archive of conference presentations and their authors which may be used for statistical analysis, researching network developments, etc.

7. Enquiries

If you wish to enquire about which information we hold on you please be in touch with office(at)eera.eu

Website - Data Privacy Policy

Our website may be used without entering personal information. Different rules may apply to certain services on our site, however, and are explained separately below. We collect personal information from you (e.g. name, address, email address, telephone number, etc.) in accordance with the provisions of German data protection statutes. Information is considered personal if it can be associated exclusively to a specific natural person. The legal framework for data protection may be found in the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG). The provisions below serve to provide information as to the manner, extent and purpose for collecting, using and processing personal information by the provider.

EERA - European Educational Research Association

+49 (0)857 36220

[email protected]

Please be aware that data transfer via the internet is subject to security risks and, therefore, complete protection against third-party access to transferred data cannot be ensured.


Our website makes use of so-called cookies in order to recognize repeat use of our website by the same user/internet connection subscriber. Cookies are small text files that your internet browser downloads and stores on your computer. They are used to improve our website and services. In most cases these are so-called "session cookies" that are deleted once you leave our website.

To an extent, however, these cookies also pass along information used to automatically recognize you. Recognition occurs through an IP address saved to the cookies. The information thereby obtained is used to improve our services and to expedite your access to the website.

You can prevent cookies from being installed by adjusting the settings on your browser software accordingly. You should be aware, however, that by doing so you may not be able to make full use of all the functions of our website.

Server Data

For technical reasons, data such as the following, which your internet browser transmits to us or to our web space provider (so called server log files), is collected: - type and version of the browser you use - operating system - websites that linked you to our site (referrer URL) - websites that you visit - date and time of your visit - your Internet Protocol (IP) address. This anonymous data is stored separately from any personal information you may have provided, thereby making it impossible to connect it to any particular person. The data is used for statistical purposes in order to improve our website and services.

Use of Google Analytics with anonymization

Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA, hereinafter referred to as “Google“. Google Analytics employs so-called “cookies“, text files that are stored to your computer in order to facilitate an analysis of your use of the site.

The information generated by these cookies, such as time, place and frequency of your visits to our site, including your IP address, is transmitted to Google’s location in the US and stored there.

We use Google Analytics with an IP anonymization feature on our website. In doing so, Google abbreviates and thereby anonymizes your IP address before transferring it from member states of the European Union or signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.

Google will use this information to evaluate your usage of our site, to compile reports on website activity for us, and to provide other services related to website- and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if this is required by law or to the extent this data is processed by third parties on Google´s behalf.

Google states that it will in never associate your IP address with other data held by Google. You can prevent cookies from being installed by adjusting the settings on your browser software accordingly. You should be aware, however, that by doing so you may not be able to make full use of all the functions of our website.

Google also offers a disabling option for the most common browsers, thus providing you with greater control over the data which is collected and processed by Google. If you enable this option, no information regarding your website visit is transmitted to Google Analytics. However, the activation does not prevent the transmission of information to us or to any other web analytics services we may use. For more information about the disabling option provided by Google, and how to enable this option, visit https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en or click here to opt-out of Google Analytics.

Use of Facebook components

Our website employs components provided by facebook.com. Facebook is a service of Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA.

Each time our website receives an access request equipped with a Facebook component, the component prompts your browser to download an image of this Facebook component. Through this process, Facebook is informed precisely which page of our website is being visited. 

When you access our site while logged into Facebook, Facebook uses information gathered by this component to identify the precise page you are viewing and associates this information to your personal account on Facebook. Whenever you click on the “Like“ button, for example, or enter a comment, this information is transmitted to your personal account on Facebook and stored there. In addition, Facebook is informed of your visit to our website. This occurs regardless of whether you click on a component or not.

If you wish to prevent the transfer to and storage of data by Facebook about you and your interaction with our website, you must first log out of Facebook before visiting our website. The data protection policies of Facebook provide additional information, in particular about the collection and use of data by Facebook, your rights in this regard as well as the options available to you for protecting your privacy: https://de-de.facebook.com/about/privacy/

You can find an overview of Facebook plugins at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/

Use of Twitter recommendation components

Our website employs components provided by Twitter. Twitter is a service of Twitter Inc., 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.

Each time our website receives an access request equipped with a Twitter component, the component prompts your browser to download an image of this component from Twitter. Through this process, Twitter is informed precisely which page of our website is being visited. We have no control over the data that Twitter collects in the process, or over the extent of the data that Twitter collects. To the best of our knowledge, Twitter collects the URL of each website accessed as well as the IP address of the user, but does so solely for the purpose of displaying Twitter components. Additional information may be obtained from the Twitter data privacy policy, at: twitter.com/privacy.

You may change your data privacy settings in your account settings, at http://twitter.com/account/settings.

Use of LinkedIn recommendation components

Our website employs components provided by the network LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a service of LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Each time our website receives an access request equipped with a LinkedIn component, the component prompts your browser to download an image of this component from LinkedIn. Through this process, LinkedIn is informed exactly which page of our website is being accessed. By clicking the LinkedIn “recommend button“ while logged into your LinkedIn account, you can link content from our website to your LinkedIn profile. This allows LinkedIn to associate your visit to our site with your LinkedIn account.

We have no control over the data that LinkedIn collects thereby, nor over the extent of the data that LinkedIn collects. Nor do we have any knowledge of the content of data transferred to LinkedIn. Details on data collection by LinkedIn as well as your rights in this regard and your browser setting options may be obtained from the LinkedIn data privacy policy, which may be accessed at: www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy

Use of YouTube components with enhanced data protection mode

On our website we use components (videos) of YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave., 94066 San Bruno, CA, USA, a company belonging to Google Inc., Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

To this end, we use the “ - enhanced data protection mode - ” option provided by YouTube.

When you display a page that has an embedded video, a connection will be made to the YouTube server and the content will appear on the website via a communication to your browser.

According to the information provided by YouTube, in “ - enhanced data protection mode -”, data is only transferred to the YouTube server, in particular which of our websites you have visited, if you watch the video. If you are logged onto YouTube at the same time, this information will be matched to your YouTube member account. You can prevent this from happening by logging out of your member account before visiting our website.

Further information about data protection by YouTube is provided by Google under the following link:


The use of social media buttons with "Shariff"

On our website we promote a project by c't, called "Shariff". "Shariff" replaces the typical share-buttons of social networks and thereby protects surfing behavior

"Shariff" integrates the share buttons of social networks on our website as a graphic containing a link to the appropriate social network. By clicking on the appropriate icon you will be redirected to the services of your network. The Shariff button provides direct contact between the social network and our users only when the visitor actively clicks the 'Share' button. Only then will your data be transferred to the respective social network. If, however, the Shariff button is not clicked, no exchange will be made between you and the social network. For more information about the c't project "Shariff" visit www.heise.de/ct/artikel/Shariff-Social-Media-Buttons-mit-Datenschutz-2467514.html

We integrate the following social networks on our website with "Shariff":

[Please list social networks used]


On the basis of the Federal Data Protection Act, you may contact us at no cost if you have questions relating to the collection, processing or use of your personal information, if you wish to request the correction, blocking or deletion of the same, or if you wish to cancel explicitly granted consent. Please note that you have the right to have incorrect data corrected or to have personal data deleted, where such claim is not barred by any legal obligation to retain this data.

Sample Data Privacy Policy Statement provided by the Law Offices of Weiß & Partner

EERA Constitution

Please note, as EERA is organised as a German eingetragener Verein, the German version of the constitution is legally binding. 

EERA is committed to upholding high academic and professional standards.
EERA expects all of its member associations to promote ethical educational research by their association members.