
At the March 2022 Council meeting, EERA committed itself to supporting educational research in Ukraine both practically and morally. As a result of this meeting a decision was made to provide a range of supports for Ukrainian educational researchers. This week marks an important milestone as the first round of research funding for Ukrainian researchers, supported by EERA, has been allocated. Totalling 50,000 euro, the fund will be used to support small scale research projects within Ukraine and the Ukrainian diaspora as well as providing capacity building supports for researchers.

The full list of research projects that will receive EERA financial support is as follows:

  • Sustainable University: Model of Development in the Post-war Period
  • Study and implementation of American standards of agricultural education in Ukraine: civic participation, quality improvement and democratic development
  • The European research space as a reference point for the development of pedagogical science in Ukraine: the information hub of the Institute of Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine
  • Introducing and Researching New Practices in the Workflow of In-Service Teacher Professional Development
  • Inclusive educational environment for internally displaced students during the war in Ukraine
  • Formation of transversal competences of post-graduate students for developing an innovative educational environment in distance learning
  • Development of resiliency of undergraduate university students under the conditions of military conflict on the territory of Ukraine
  • Supporting the Development of Empirical Academic Studies in Ukraine
  • Information hygiene as a component of the formation of a safe educational environment at school

Furthermore, a three-day workshop entitled "Teaching and Research in the War Time: Developing Resilience in the UERA Members" will be offered to UERA members focusing specifically on the challenges of working, teaching and researching in times of violence and social upheaval.

In addition to these specific supports EERA has also:

  • Waived membership fees for the Ukrainian Educational Research Association (UERA)
  • Waived conference fees for members of UERA
  • Provided bursaries for all Ukrainian emerging researchers wishing to attend the Emerging Researchers Conference
  • Linked Ukrainian researchers to other research organisations – including our partners in GENE ( the Global Educational Network for Education) – to facilitate their engagement with as wide a group of educational researchers as possible.

Speaking at the October 2022 Council meeting, EERA President Joe O’Hara said “EERA as an association commits itself to engaging in educational research for the benefit of society. At this moment in Europe it is arguable that there is no society who needs assistance more than Ukraine. We are delighted to be able to offer support financially and morally to our colleagues in UERA and I would like to acknowledge the role of our Council in facilitating this. EERA will continue to explore ways of supporting educational research in Ukraine and offers its unequivocal support and solidarity to our colleagues in UERA”.